Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our daughter's Testimony

Our oldest princess, Sara, had been through a lot the past month of September. She was diagnosed with a virus called HSP, which was a nightmare for us. We took her to UNC hospital (one of the best hospitals for children in NC) to ER 3 Saturdays in a row for the different symptoms she had. The first time was a purple rash all over her legs, which caused an inflamation of the blood vessels. The second time her blood pressure went high for a couple of days. The third time she was passing blood through her urine. All of this scared us to death, not knowing what to do and wondering why our daughter? The only thing we were able to do was pray to the One and Only, God Almighty. We called our prayer partners here and in Peru. She has been in the prayer list of several churches. In the middle of this, we believe that Lord was trying to send us a message. He was trying to refine us and mold us in our flesh and spirit. Sara went through different kinds of test, which showed something that the doctors didn't like, so she ended up having a kidney biopsy. I know this sounds terrible for her short age of 3 and a half. It was hard for us going through this, however we had the support of our family and family in Christ. The doctors gave us not so good news, a kidney disease. However, after further studies, we had an appointment with the nephrologist on Tuesday. He told us that they didn't find anything serious in her kidneys, and that it is possible that she never had the HSP virus, but something different. He decided to stop the medicine she was on for high blood pressure. The only thing we were able to say was Praise God!!! He has healed our little Sara. God is good, and He is still doing miracles.


ChristyS said...

Praise God!! I've been wondering how she is doing. Praying that she continues to heal completely. Glad to hear this wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

We are so blessed to have a father that takes care of our of all of his children. People that I work with also put her on their prayer list here in Charlotte. I always show pictures of them and talk about them all the time. I love all my granddaughters. I love it when they are well and happy. God's love to everyone...Love MoM

Carol said...

Praise our Lord God who is the Healer!! God is SO good and we're are blessed to hear of Sara's testimony. The Lord will continue to use that for His glory. Hallelujah!!

Kevin said...

Praise the Lord

Anonymous said...

Praise God. We were praying from Henderson MW