Monday, June 30, 2008

Our first picture as a family!

My wonderful wife reminded me Sunday that we do not have a picture of all 4 of us together, so, we solved that problem and here it is!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

All settled in our new home!

Life has really been busy. In consistent weeks I've had final exams and papers, graduation, our move to Wake Forest, and Vacation Bible School at church, and in the midst of it all, several people in the hospital and one funeral! Wow, but God gives me strength and through various trials, He is refining me and preparing us for great things ahead. Sara is exploring and loving her new home. She has more room to play and there are always kids outside to play with. Ingrid is beginning to get some baby fat and is really growing. She has her one month doctor visit coming up at our new pediatrician in Wake Forest and we are excited about getting to develop a relationship with them. And Giovanna is just awesome! She goes from one child to the next, taking care of all of our needs. She really is a gift from God. We love our new apartment, our new neighbors, and our new home town, but most of all, we love King Jesus and are excited about the opportunities and challenges that are before us as we seek to serve and glorify Him!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My college graduation!!

My graduation from Bible College was a wonderful experience. It is nice to have that stage behind me so I can move on and focus on the next chapter, completing my Master's Degree. This was a wonderful day spent in celebration with my family and also some people from church. Glory to God!!

Sara loves her sister!