Thursday, February 18, 2010

First hotel stay as a family

Last weekend I had to speak at a youth event on the coast near the Virginia border, in a town called Moyock which is near Elizabeth City. The church put us up in a nice hotel and the girls enjoyed exploring the room, jumping on the bed, and standing on the heater/AC unit looking out the window from the 3rd floor. We had so much fun and played musical beds that night! Sara and Ingrid started out the night in one bed. Then after about 10 minutes they wanted daddy to come with them, then mommie, so we all were in the same bed! Then it got so hot from all that body heat in one bed and daddy got up and went to the other bed. Then Sara got up and got in bed with him and that is the way we ended up; Mommie with Ingrid and Daddy with Sara. They slept about the whole three hour trip home the next day so that was great. It was nice to get out of town and we thank Kevin, Susan, Eli, and all the wonderful people at Friendship Baptist for inviting us and taking such good care of us, we love you guys!!


Drea said...

Our boys LOVE hotel stays. It gets even more fun once they are a little older and do stay in their own bed. Sometimes for us we actually will stick the boys on the floor HAHA... so we can enjoy a bed without feet on top of our heads :) our boys are wild sleepers!!

The biggest thrill of course for our kids is if the hotel has a pool.. any time we stay at one we try to get an indoor pool option.

Anonymous said...

what wonderful pictures of your hotel stay..please be very careful about indoor pools at hotels.. sometimes not as sanitary as you would think...everyone looks so happy and having so much Mom