Thursday, November 22, 2007

We had a wonderful time at my cousin Michelle's home for Thanksgiving. Sara played with her cousins, Maryjo and Tucker, while Daddy and Bob watched football, and Mommie and Michelle made preparations. We had turkey, ham, veggies, stuffing, and Giovanna made a delicious home-made macaroni and cheese dish that went very quick! We also had a time of Thanksgiving and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ from 1 Corinthians 15:50-58, reflecting and thanking God for the immortal resurrected body that awaits those who have put their trust in Christ. Here we are posing and having a great time!


Anonymous said...

Sure was happy to hear from the Ellington's. Sara is growing like a weed!! And her hair is so thick. I want ya'll to bring her to see me again when you have time. I will be having my second cateract surgery Fri. I know the Lord will take care of things. Well take care and I think this is going to be neat keeping up with you all!! Sheila

Ellington Family said...

Thanks Shelia! We'll be praying for you and we will come by to see you between now and Christmas so you can give me all my presents!!! -frankie

Anonymous said...

Frank, Giovanna and Sara we were so glad to have you for Thanksgiving. The food was great and Maryjo and Tucker loved the Giovanna's mac and cheese and the dirt cake was awesome. We enjoyed the fellowship,the devoition, the prayer and the food. Sara is a doll baby and Maryjo and Tucker thinks she is also. It was a joy to have you to come into our home and I pray that we can do it again at Christmas and share that special time of year with each other. We cousins have to stick together.

We love you all,
Michelle, Bob, Maryjo and Tucker

Anonymous said...

Giovi, en esta foto Sarita se parece a tí cuando tu tenias mas o menos su edad.Blessings.