Today we celebrated Sara's 4th birthday with a beautiful Princess Tea Party. All her friends came dressed up as princesses. Sara was Cinderella, she wanted to be that princess so much and her dreams came true. Sometimes, I realize it is easier to make a little girl's dream come true than for an adult's. I never dressed up as a princess when I was a little girl, besides in Peru little girls don't dress up as much as they do here in the States, so I was kind of excited to arrange her party. Of course, because of the season a couple of her friends couldn't made it because they had the flu, we really missed them. The cool thing about her party is that they used real china and I am so glad they didn't break any of them because they were borrowed from my sweet friend Shawna, for which I am very thankful to her for doing that. Also, Frank had the idea to dress up as a Prince and he was scorting all the little princesses arriving to the house, thank you honey for such bright idea.
This past Christmas we gave Sara a real china miniature tea set and a plastic one, her friends really enjoyed playing with that, having tea and playing. Thanks so much to all the princesses who came, Ana Grace, Emma Ruth, Clark, Natalia, and for their moms for dressing them so pretty.
What lovely pictures. Especially of Frankie in his tux and the girls..What a dream come true for a little princess. Giovanna you and Frankie are such wonderful parents. Love MoM
The china cups are nice.
Mom Giovi would have been dressed up as queen to complete the royal family. Ingridta looks beautiful too.
Mom Oli
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