We had our party on the block at our church last night (saturday). This is one of the big events that our church does to reach out to the kids in the community. They had different jumping games set up inside and outside the church for ages 2 to 15 years old. This was our first year we did the hay ride, it was fun! We had a lot of visitors, praise God! We had a lot of fun now that our girls can really play and enjoy the different games, the time went by so fast. Sara played hard, they both had a good night sleep last night. I think it was one of our best sleeping nights in a long time. Well, this year I dressed up Sara as a Little Red Riding Hood and Ingrid was a cowgirl. I had some ideas after seeing the kids who were dressed up at the Harvest Day the day before. I didn't spend any money on them, except Ingrid's hat, which I got at the Dollar store. There is a picture were Sara and Ingrid are running away from the big good wolf (daddy). Enjoy our pics!!!.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Fall Festival at Open Door B. Church
We had our party on the block at our church last night (saturday). This is one of the big events that our church does to reach out to the kids in the community. They had different jumping games set up inside and outside the church for ages 2 to 15 years old. This was our first year we did the hay ride, it was fun! We had a lot of visitors, praise God! We had a lot of fun now that our girls can really play and enjoy the different games, the time went by so fast. Sara played hard, they both had a good night sleep last night. I think it was one of our best sleeping nights in a long time. Well, this year I dressed up Sara as a Little Red Riding Hood and Ingrid was a cowgirl. I had some ideas after seeing the kids who were dressed up at the Harvest Day the day before. I didn't spend any money on them, except Ingrid's hat, which I got at the Dollar store. There is a picture were Sara and Ingrid are running away from the big good wolf (daddy). Enjoy our pics!!!.
Harvest Day at Camp Kanata
Friday was a busy day for us, we went to Harvest Day at Camp Kanata with Sara's school. By the way, this place is really nice to spend the weekend. They had different activities: pumpkin decorating, face painting, crafts, costumes, tumble gym, and lots of treats. I think Sara and Ingrid enjoyed the tumble gym the most. I couldn't dress up Sara for this event but she didn't care either. However, I did dress her up on Saturday for our party on the block at church.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Sara is enjoying Preschool
She has started Preschool this past month and she really loves it. She loves to carry around her Dora backpack and making new friends. I thought that the first time of class, she was going to cry or I was going to, but neither of us did it. Probably, school will be different, who knows?. I stayed with her the first day, so she can get used to it, and her second day of class she was ready. Something that I like about her going to school is that she comes home really hungry, and we eat lunch together. Eating has been one of my big issues with her, since she is so picky. Also, she likes to show me all the stuff she is making at school. By the way, they make a lot in one day. My refrigerator is full with her art work. In case you want to know, she is going to Faith Baptist Church Preschool through the YMCA. In the meantime, me and Ingrid try to have some one on one time together.
Our daughter's Testimony
Our oldest princess, Sara, had been through a lot the past month of September. She was diagnosed with a virus called HSP, which was a nightmare for us. We took her to UNC hospital (one of the best hospitals for children in NC) to ER 3 Saturdays in a row for the different symptoms she had. The first time was a purple rash all over her legs, which caused an inflamation of the blood vessels. The second time her blood pressure went high for a couple of days. The third time she was passing blood through her urine. All of this scared us to death, not knowing what to do and wondering why our daughter? The only thing we were able to do was pray to the One and Only, God Almighty. We called our prayer partners here and in Peru. She has been in the prayer list of several churches. In the middle of this, we believe that Lord was trying to send us a message. He was trying to refine us and mold us in our flesh and spirit. Sara went through different kinds of test, which showed something that the doctors didn't like, so she ended up having a kidney biopsy. I know this sounds terrible for her short age of 3 and a half. It was hard for us going through this, however we had the support of our family and family in Christ. The doctors gave us not so good news, a kidney disease. However, after further studies, we had an appointment with the nephrologist on Tuesday. He told us that they didn't find anything serious in her kidneys, and that it is possible that she never had the HSP virus, but something different. He decided to stop the medicine she was on for high blood pressure. The only thing we were able to say was Praise God!!! He has healed our little Sara. God is good, and He is still doing miracles.
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