Our little princess turned 2 today, May 29th. Thanks God the weather was nice and we were able to do it outside. She had a Little Ponny cupcakes as cake. I thought it was easier for me to serve cupcakes than to cut a cake and I was right. We also, had hotdogs, and some slides for the kids to play with. Thanks to all who came and make Ingrid's bithday special.
Mom Oli and Sandra said:
God bless you so much in the name of Jesus, amen.
Wow! I hate that I missed that birthday party. Giovanna they are growing so fast! I can't believe Ingrid is 2. It seems like yesterday that she was like 4 mo. old at the Bible study.
What a very lovely BLirthday Party. Looks like everyone was having fun. Yes having a party outside is always better...Less cleanup..Great Idea with the cupcake cake....much easier to serve. God Bless you all...I love you all..MoM
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