Finally, I decided that Sara needed short haircut this time. I was tired that her hair got messy all the time. She was able to keep her hair nice and neat only for 20 minutes and then start all over again. My neighbor Alyssa did good a job with her, Sara was sitting still during her haircut. She really liked her new look, she kept looking herself in the mirror, here a few shoots.
Giovanna, she looks like such a big girl now. I can't wait to see you guys. I've missed everyone from ODBC.
giovana hola como estas estoy aqi con mi tu maa viendo las fotos de las bebes q estan muy bellas y el coret de pelo esta qedando bonito a tu mama le gusta el corte de pelo muy lindas las dos qisiera saber tu correo para poder comunicarnos y ver las fotos de tienes en tu facbok se ve q la bebe esta contenta con el corte de pelo pq le qeda muy bonito..estamos viendo tus fotos y qeremos ver las otras de tu facbook espero q me mandes tu correo un beso susan y tu mama q esta aqi conmigo..
the haircut makes her so very cute. She looks like she is growing up so fast..Love it, love it, love it...Love MoM
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