Thursday, February 28, 2008

Keys please......

We've posted alot of pictures and videos, now it's time to hear some true life adventure stories of our family. Mommie has the first true adventure and it will be hard for Daddy to top this. February 28 began as a typical day in the Ellington home with mommie getting up around 7am with Sara while daddy gets a few extra minutes of sleep and rest. By 8:30 everyone is usually up and fed and daddy is off to school and/or work, usually to return home around 5:30 or 6pm. This day, mommie had plans for her and Sara as they were going to meet her good friend Jessica and her little 1yr old boy, Aiden. (Daddy keeps a close eye on Aiden!) They have a wonderful time at the library story telling time and then they go to Aiden's grandma's home, Mrs. Pat, for a wonderful lunch social. After the social, mommie stops by Wal Mart to pick up a few items. After shopping, she is putting Princess Sarita in her car seat. Sara is in a stage of playing with keys for some reason. She loves to play with daddy's keys, and when mommie puts her in the car seat, Sara reaches for mommie's keys. (Do you know where this is going??) Mommie lets her have them to play with so that she can put the items which she bought in the trunk of the car. It's cold outside, so mommie shuts the car door. As she finishes putting the items in the trunk, she hears the sound of doors locking.... our sweet princess had pressed the button on the control and locked the doors! Mommie is now locked out of the car and Sara is locked in! Mommie is confused and in a state of panic and Sara is having fun playing. Mommie is trying to tell Sara to unlock the car but Sara in only does not know those words yet. (in Spanish or English) Mommie gathers a crowd and they get a locksmith to come unlock the car while Sara has begun to cry and throw a fit. The car is unlocked and mommie and Sara return home from their adventure and take a nap. Keys are very important and doors need keys to be opened. You have the keys to your heart and Jesus knocks and needs you to open the door. Have you unlocked the door to your heart and invited him in?

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