Today, we cross over into Mexico. I got a good night sleep last night and today (Sunday) we will worship at the church plant in Acuna. Our main objective is to love on the children and help the pastor develop relationships with the surrounding community. We will hold a baseball clinic and teach the kids how to play baseball. We will not have the comforts that we Americans are used to so please pray for me to adjust and that I will not get sick. This will also be a good opportunity for me to practice the language as I will be immersed in this community. I miss my dear wife and my precious little girls. It brings joy to my heart when Giovanna puts Sara on the phone and she says "I wuv wu" and blows me a kiss; I'm starting to cry now so I'll close. GLORY TO GOD for His great grace and may the nations of every tribe and tongue know Him and the power of His resurrection! -frank