Today was Sara's second birthday. It is incredible how time past so fast. She had so much fun with her little friends. This year she couldn't wait to eat her cake, she just love sweets (I only let her eat sweets for this special moments). She played a lot and got so tired at the end. They had bubbles, and the children enjoyed it so much. We really appreciated to have the grandparents and our neighbors to share with us this special moment. We are very thankful to our Lord for let us see our little girl growing.
I got these new bows at Ebay. They are usually expensive in the store but I won the aution of these (6) for only 99 cents, unbelievable!!! They look so cute on them. Sara loves shoes, this is her first time trying on high heels. I was impressed that she was able to walk on them, they fit a little big. She is something else. I know these pictures are going to make my mom (in Peru) laugh. Enjoy!