We made it home safe and sound this afternoon, thanks God my flight was much better than the first one, no problems and Sara and Ingrid were able to sleep much better. They were so excited to come home that they didn't go to sleep until 2 am. and had to woke up at 6:30 when it landed to Miami. Ingrid woke up a little later, she slept in the baby carrier on my back on my way to Inmigration. The security was more strict in Peru than in here, I believe. They checked out my belongings twice, and they even were doing a phisical check out - I mean that a woman would touch you real quick just to make sure you are not bringing something dangerous to the plane, they did that on everybody adults and children but I didn't see that here in the States. Frank was able to meet me at the gate, I really needed his help, both of my girls were asleep. It was wonderful to see him again, my in laws were there too to see the girls. Thanks all of you who prayed for us. Have a blessed New Year 2010.
I left Peru last night. It was hard to say goodbye to my mom and sister. My dad was there too. However, my girls were ready to come home and me too, we were missing Frank so much. It is hard when you have love ones so far away from you just pray God to give me more friends here so I can feel like a family too.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
A photo of the most beautiful woman in the world. God has blessed me with the honor of sharing my life with her. I can hear her sweet voice and feel her soft touch every day. She is my wife and I love her beyond measure.
Two of my favorite photos we took a few days before they left and I converted one to black and white. It is amazing the details you can see in b&w that you don't notice in color. I love you Giovanna, Sara, and Ingrid!! Love - daddy...
Disfrutando las ultimas semanas que nos quedan en Diciembre de la familia y amigos, se acerca Navidad!!!!!!!!!!!! Gloria a Dios!!! Enjoying our last weeks in Peru with family and friends. Christmas is getting close, Aleluia!!!
This park is a must to see if you ever visit Lima-Peru. It is a new park and it has a lot of visitors every day. The show of water and color lights with music is great!!! These are the pictures I was able to get, hope you enjoy!!!.
The girls are getting used to my mom and my sister now, it has taken them some time to warm up with them, we finally got it. Some of the activities they like to do is to watch the chickens my mom has a home. Sara loves to watch them eat and give them water, she can watch them for an hour sitting still. She has learned to cut paper with siccsors; that is a big accomplishment for a girl her age 2 + 10 months. They also love to play music in the keyboard of the house, they don´t watch tv at all.
Yesterday, was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. We are starting summer here, yay!!! I took the girls to visit Lima main square plaza with my sister Sandra. We had fun. The main square is changing so much, everytime I come they have changed something different. I took some pictures of the colonial buildings in the main square, like the city hall, the cathedral, and the President House. The architecture of these buildings are very rich from the 1500's, beautiful. Also, I took some pictures of my girls in my mom´s house. There is a cute one where they look like little workers cleaning the house. Enjoy!!!
This has been the most difficult flight I have ever had. No sleep at all. Both of my girls couldn't get to sleep, calling for her daddy, and uncomfortable in the seat of the plane. Sara slept in and off the whole time and screaming and crying everytime she will wake up, waking up Ingrid. My little one, had to sleep on the floor. There was no bassinet at all in this international flight Miami to Lima. Here some photos!!!
Yesterday, I attended the event of Connecting Point "Get Decorating" at Southeastern. They set up tables for Christmas and Thanksgiving. I took some pictures of some of the best tables. All the events this year have been really good, I have learned many things. Last month, I learned a little bit about scrapping photo books, and yesterday I got some creative ideas of how to decorate my table for Christmas or Thanksgiving. The next event would be about "Get cooking", if you ladies are interested in coming let me know, we can go together.
Amigas, he puesto fotos de como decorar tu mesa por Navidad o por el dia de Accion de Gracias. He asistido a diferentes eventos que se realizan en Southeastern (Seminario donde estudia Frank) para mujeres y realmente estoy aprendiendo algunas cositas manuales. Disfruten las fotos.